Today, I cried. Yes, you read that right. The kids had dental visits, one had a small surgery for a cavity and the other was just to fill in a cavity. After four kids (2 are medical kiddos), nothing should bother you but today was different. My kids were still wired from all the traveling we had to do just for this one procedure plus with the holidays closing and traveling we thought was done, what more could happen? After I got done teaching, my kids needed my attention and they were in very chaotic moods.
I want to backtrack just a little bit. About 3 months ago, my oldest was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes. It has changed our world as we are now coming out of the honeymoon stage. His younger brother was born with severe food allergies, and I thought we were dealing with something similar. Not even close. This beast is one by itself and allergies are another to fight. These are times when you don't really know what stress feels like when you live it day in and day out. You work and stay busy in order to keep your mind off of it. Sound familiar? Let me tell you that these are times when I am so thankful we have the freedom to homeschool. So, back to my story.
After I was done teaching, because my son didn't have his overnight insulin, he was angry all day because his body was out of its normal rhythm. I forgot that irritation and anger can happen when your sugars get too high. My husband came home and I went out just to breathe. As I drove down the highway, I prayed about what happened today. It helped calm me down as well. By the time I had decided to go grocery shopping by myself, get gas in the van, and arrive home, the kids were doing better, I was doing better, and we then proceeded to have a wonderful night.
Why do I share this with you? Let me give you a couple of reasons.
First and foremost, through Christ, it is possible to make it through. Through Christ, I can make sure that I can rely on Him no matter what happens. I can tell you that He is very much in charge, and I have seen miracles happen firsthand. Because He lives (Fill in the blank).
Next, we have been homeschooling for 6 years. Through this we have been through multiple surgeries, the diabetes diagnosis, and so much more. I have learned to give my schedule to God and let Him guide our days, year by year. My kids are learning life and the skills they need to cope with in interesting situations that might arise in their lives as they get older.
Lastly, I just want to say that even though it's a new year, just make sure you take the time to appreciate the ability and freedom we have to homeschool. As an evaluator in the state of PA, I absolutely love helping new families get down to the brass tacks of the realities of homeschooling. By the end of a conversation, parents are usually telling me, "It's so much easier than I thought." Yes, I would definitely agree. You can do it! You can take it day by day.
So, when life gives you lemons, make a lemon cake! (Or lemonade if you want) :)