Robertson, Diane
Everything Phrases for High School
Everything Phrases for High School
Everything Phrases for High School is a PDF downloadable and printable file. It is a compilation of grammar lessons on phrases.
It covers these phrases:
Noun Phrases
Subject Noun Phrases
Object Noun Phrases
Complement Noun Phrases
Prepositional Phrases
Participial Phrases
Infinitive Phrases
Subject Infinitive Phrases
Object Infinitive Phrases
Adjective Infinitive Phrases
Adverb Infinitive Phrases
Gerund Phrases
Appositive Phrases
Before completing this lesson compilation, the student must know the parts of speech, subject and verb predicates, and understand direct objects. This is an advanced lesson. It is not basic grammar.
This compilation gives a lesson on each type of phrase with explanations and examples and hints on how to tell what each phrase is in a sentence. After each major phrase type, there is one exercise to complete. The exercises usually consist of reading a sentence and underlining a specific phrase in that sentence.
Answers are included at the end of the document.
This lesson compilation is important for college bound high school students as it will likely be a part of every basic, required English course regardless of major or interest. The lesson is also good for any non-college bound high school student who wants to write for a living and needs to have a sound understanding of sentence structure. But if you have a student that loves grammar trivia, this lesson will teach them some finicky details of grammar no matter what they want to do after high school.